James Alexander
James Alexander
Year: Freshman
Hometown: Sault Ste. Marie, MI
High School: Sault Area High School and Career Center
Other Sports Played: Swin and Dive Team
Awards in those sports: Three year member
Major: Construction Management
Other Awards/Acheivements: Outstanding Student Construction Technology
Parent/Guardian Names: Carla and Jim Alexander
Siblings: Caden Alexander
Why Bay? Because it is close to home and the opportunity to continue baseball and cross country at the college level.
…Movie? Spiderman
…TV Show? The Office
…Musical Artist? Big Time Rush
...Subject/class in HS? Construction
…Quote? "That's what she said." - Michael Scott
Who is your Role Model? Grandpa Rick Daley
Why? Because he makes me a better person
Hobbies? Building legos, playing baseball